"Hot vampire" like to some pan flute-infused jazz music

Ashley Greene
Frightfully gorgeous Ashley Greene bears her fans as a teenage vampire in this month's hugely anticipated Twilight.
I did it when I was younger; I was such a little tomboy. Eventually I was like, Fighting girls is boring- can't I just fight the boys?
Ashley Michele Greene (born on February 21, 1987) is an American actress and model, best known for playing Alice Cullen in the film adaptations of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight novels.
I fought the boys, because I had beat up all the girls. I made this guy I had a crush on bleed. We were sparring, and I kicked him in the nose.
My managers and my agents and my mom are like, "No boys!" Sometimes I wish I had a boyfriend. We could watch movies, make dinner, and cuddle. But that's what girlfriends are for.

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